Connect all your Leadalliance affiliate sales and lead data with custom dashboards and integrate it in your marketing tools so you can focus on improving your campaigns and marketing performance.
If you wish to integrate Leadalliance affiliate conversion data in Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Microsoft Ads and other marketing platforms, we will need to track and match your affiliate conversion data with your traffic data. By placing our JavaScript tag or installing our WordPress plugin on your website, our software will automatically place SubIDs with unique click IDs in your LinkConnector affiliate links, which enables us to automatically match your traffic and affiliate conversion data.
The installation is done in four simple steps:
All you need to connect your Leadalliance account with our system is provide our system with your Leadalliance account’s API Key. The key can be generated on your Leadalliance account and in the Tools section. You can fill in your LinkConnector credentials here:
With We Can Track you can integrate your Leadalliance affiliate sales into Facebook Ads Manager. That simple but revolutionary method will allow you to optimize your Leadalliance products by running Facebook campaigns in order to achieve the best ROI’s. From our experience, Facebook Ads AI and machine learning is something indispensable if you’re thinking about running ads that are focused on performance and cost per sale results.
You can find out here all about our Facebook Ads integration and how you can easily optimize your Leadalliance Facebook campaigns.
Do you want to automatically integrate your Leadalliance affiliate sale and lead conversion data in Google Analytics? On our Google Analytics Integration page you can learn everything you need to know about connecting affiliate networks with Google Analytics:
Once your Leadalliance affiliate conversions are being imported in Google Analytics you can easily integrate them in Google Ads by linking your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts and importing the Ecommerce conversion goal within the conversion section of Google Ads.
We also offer a direct Google Ads integration feature where our system will pick up when a user comes from a Google Ad campaign. When the user clicks out on an affiliate link, our system will place a unique click ID in the SubID parameter of the affiliate link. Once the sale or lead conversion is reported, we will trace it back through the Click ID and use the session, click and conversion information to send it to your Google Ads Tag.
Once you have connected your Leadalliance accounts and websites to our system, we can integrate affiliate conversion data coming from Microsoft Ads campaigns in your Microsoft Ads account. All you need to do is activate our Microsoft Ads integration feature and set up a conversion goal within your Microsoft Ads account.
Grow your affiliate income with affiliate conversion tracking in tools like Google Analytics, Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook Ads and more.