Affiliate aggregator tool: wecantrack

Automatically aggregate all your affiliate sales and lead conversion data in one unified affiliate aggregator dashboard and start scaling and improving your affiliate business today!

What exactly is an affifliate aggregator and how does it work?

Affiliate publishers frequently collaborate with a number of different affiliate networks in order to promote products or services and earn commissions depending on conversions. When working with multiple networks and tracking the efficacy of a variety of campaigns and content improvements, this can become complicated and time consuming.

These problems can be solved by using an affiliate aggregator solution like wecantrack, which offer a unified platform or service that collects affiliate conversion data from several networks and organizes all of the publisher data in one location. You may access and analyze your data through a single interface, which eliminates the need to log in to each network separately and navigate through a variety of different interfaces.

What data is available in my affiliate aggregator dashboard?

Quick Performance Overview

Stay constantly informed about your current performance. These comprehensive boxes provide detailed reports on conversions, commission, sales amount, clicks, sessions, CTR (Click Through Rate), and ECPC (Earned Commission per Click) for the selected time range, as well as data from yesterday and today.

Advertiser Performance Report

The Advertiser Performance Report table presents the sales performance of advertisers, sorted in descending order based on commission. This valuable feature enables affiliate publishers to easily identify the advertisers with whom they have generated the highest commissions. By having this overview, publishers can assess their most successful partnerships and make informed decisions to optimize their affiliate marketing strategies.

Affiliate Network & Network Account

Our affiliate aggregator dashboard provides comprehensive reports based on affiliate networks and network account names, giving you an overview of the performance of your different network accounts. To further enhance your reporting capabilities, our dashboard allows you to set up tags for your network accounts. For example, if you have one network account per market or website, you can assign specific tags to categorize them accordingly. 

Affiliate Website & Traffic Source

The attribution section of our affiliate dashboard provides valuable insights into the overall performance of your campaigns, including sessions, clicks, conversions, and commissions, categorized by website and traffic source. This allows you to assess the effectiveness of each website and traffic source in driving desired outcomes.

Landing Page Report

The affiliate landing page performance report provides a comprehensive overview of your top-performing landing pages, prioritized based on commission value. This report presents essential metrics such as sessions, CTR, clicks, conversion rate, conversions, commission amount, and ECPCs, allowing you to assess the performance of each landing page effectively.

How to start using wecantrack affiliate aggregator and conversion tracking tool?

In order to fully install our system and get started collecting all your affiliate conversion data in one affiliate aggregator dashboard you have to follow the steps below:

  1. Create a wecantrack account
  2. Connect your affiliate network account(s)
  3. Connect your website(s)

For all steps we have detailed step by step guides on our Installation Guide page that will lead you through the process. Here is a video guiding you through all the steps:

Additional integrations and features

Benefits of setting up your affiliate aggregator and conversion tracking dasboard

Elimination of manual data gathering from multiple networks

Our affiliate aggregator dashboard simplifies the affiliate marketing workflow by automatically collecting and aggregating data from multiple affiliate networks. This eliminates the need for users to manually gather data from different platforms, saving them valuable time and effort.

Identification of top-performing affiliates and opportunities for growth

We help users identify their top-performing affiliates, enabling them to strengthen partnerships and leverage successful relationships. Additionally, users can identify new growth opportunities by analyzing affiliate performance and exploring collaborations with high-potential partners.

Data-driven insights for optimizing marketing spend and maximizing ROI

With WeCanTrack’s analytics and insights, users gain data-driven insights into their marketing spend and ROI. By identifying the most effective marketing channels and optimizing their spend accordingly, users can maximize their ROI and achieve higher revenue from their affiliate marketing campaigns.

Detailed analysis of conversion data and attribution

We provide detailed analysis of conversion data, allowing users to understand the performance of their affiliate campaigns. It also offers insights into the attribution of conversions, helping users identify the most effective traffic sources, landing pages and many other metrics.

Insights into campaign performance and optimization opportunities

By leveraging the conversion tracking capabilities of our affiliate aggregator and conversion tracking tool, users can gain valuable insights into their campaign performance. These insights enable them to identify areas for improvement, optimize their marketing strategies, and maximize their conversions.