80 WordPress Monetization Statistics: Ecommerce Plugins & Growth

In a world where virtually everyone is connected by the digital thread of the internet, the potential to monetize one’s passion or skill set has never been more accessible. WordPress is at the heart of this revolution. It is an open-source platform initially designed for bloggers but has since morphed into a powerhouse for business owners, creatives, and everyone in between.Β 

Monetization isn’t just earning moneyβ€”it’s about optimizing your digital space to balance valuable content and economic gain. With WordPress, opportunities for monetization range from affiliate marketing premium content to ecommerce and beyond.Β 

As more people spend time online, the scope to reach a global audience and turn that traffic into revenue is immense. This article will reveal the fine distinction of WordPress monetization, helping you navigate a world of options and techniques to make your digital presence engaging and profitable.

Table of Contents

When it comes to WordPress monetization, affiliate marketing boasts impressive statistics, showcasing higher average earnings per click compared to display advertising. This method capitalizes on audience trust, resulting in more effective product recommendations.

Jorge Barbosa

Marketing & Business Development Manager @ WeCanTrack

Source: WeCanTrack

Key WordPress Monetization Statistics

WordPress website owners constantly seek ways to make their online presence engaging and financially rewarding. Monetizing your WordPress site is more than just a trend; it’s a strategic move that can transform your passion project into a sustainable income stream.Β 

From legal considerations and affiliate marketing to setting up Google AdSense and optimizing ad placements, this comprehensive article looks into the why and how of WordPress monetization. We’ll explore the avenues and strategies to turn your website into a valuable asset while ensuring you navigate the digital landscape responsibly and effectively.

  • 78% of WordPress website owners believe monetization is vital for the sustainability of their site.8
  • In their initial setup, 55% of WordPress websites must comply with online advertisement laws.2
  • Only 60% of WordPress sites using affiliate marketing adequately disclose their affiliate relationships to users.2
  • 85% of monetized WordPress websites have privacy policies, but only 70% explicitly discuss cookies.9
  • 50% of WordPress website owners need to be made aware of the tax implications of their monetization strategies.1
  • 65% of WordPress websites with ads use Google AdSense as their primary ad platform.4
  • 30% of WordPress site owners have tried selling private ads directly to advertisers.4
  • 40% of WordPress websites incorporate some form of affiliate marketing.4

Monetization, seen as a lifeline by most WordPress website owners, is crucial. It involves legal and clear practices. Although privacy policies are important, many forget to talk about how they use cookies. While most prioritize their website’s privacy policies, a significant gap remains regarding specific cookie discussions.Β 

When they start to use ad strategies like Google AdSense or direct private ad sales, it become apparent that the nuances, from affiliate disclosures to tax implications, have been overlooked by many.Β 

As affiliate marketing gains traction, ensuring alignment with best practices and regulations becomes important for marketers and designers.

  • Approximately one-fifth of WordPress websites generate revenue by offering digital products, including eBooks and online courses for sale.9
  • 10% of WordPress websites operate on a subscription-based model.2
  • 25% of content-driven WordPress sites have published sponsored content at least once.4
  • 75% of monetized WordPress websites rely on advertising as a primary revenue stream.2
  • 90% of AdSense users find the setup process on WordPress straightforward.3
  • 35% of WordPress website owners have explored alternative ad platforms beyond Google AdSense.3
  • 70% of WordPress websites do not optimize their ad placements based on best practices.3
WordPress Market Share
  • 50% of new WordPress site owners must become more familiar with affiliate marketing.4
  • Only 25% of WordPress affiliate marketers perform thorough research when selecting an affiliate program.4
  • 40% of WordPress bloggers must effectively incorporate affiliate links into their content.4
  • 55% of WordPress blogs have experimented with affiliate marketing at some point.4
  • On average, affiliate marketing contributes to 30% of the total revenue of monetized WordPress websites that use this method.3

From Google AdSense to subscription models, the opportunities are as diverse as they are promising.Β But remember, a well-considered strategy goes beyond just inserting ads or affiliate links; it dives into legal considerations, disclosure protocols, and tax implications.Β 

As you turn your digital property into a revenue generator, you’ll find the following section on selling digital products and membership models invaluable.Β 

"Because a diversified income stream isn't just brilliant, it's essential in today's digital era."
Matt Mullenweg
Co-Founder of WordPress

Statistics On Digital Product Monetization Models And Content

Are you sitting on a goldmine of knowledge, expertise, or content? Today’s online world offers endless opportunities to turn that into cash. The options are varied and flexible, from selling eBooks and online courses to setting up a sleek ecommerce site or a subscription model. We’ll walk you through choosing what to sell, setting the right price, managing memberships, collaborating with sponsors, and navigating the legal and ethical maze.

  • 73% of entrepreneurs reported higher ROI from digital products than physical products.5
  • eBooks constitute 45% of all digital products sold globally.7
  • 60% of online educators opt for courses over webinars due to their flexible learning nature.7
  • 85% of successful online stores use at least one ecommerce plugin for enhanced functionality.9
  • Pricing products just below a whole number (e.g., $9.99 instead of $10) can increase sales by 28%.1
  • Subscription models, especially monthly ones, have been shown to retain 65% more customers than one-time payment models.1
  • Freemium content strategies have resulted in a 40% conversion rate to premium versions.1
  • As a platform, Patreon has witnessed a 30% increase in creators in the past year alone.5

Digital products often yield higher ROI than physical ones, emphasizing their entrepreneurial significance. This trend is evident in the eBook industry and the preference for flexible courses over webinars.Β 

Technical tools like ecommerce plugins enhance online stores, while effective pricing and subscriptions boost customer retention, offering marketers and designers ample optimization opportunities.

  • 50% of creators say subscription-based access ensures a more stable income than ad revenues.5
  • Membership sites with an active community engagement strategy retain members 70% longer.5
  • Sponsored content now accounts for 25% of total digital product revenue for influencers.5
  • 33% of digital product sellers have secured at least one sponsorship deal within their first year.7
  • 78% of sellers believe that understanding the legalities of their product is crucial to avoid potential lawsuits.7
  • Ethical considerations have driven 64% of creators to make their content more inclusive and diverse.5
  • 91% of digital sellers agree that precise disclosure requirements are beneficial for maintaining customer trust.5
WordPress Usage and Growth Rate (2020 - 2023)

WordPress Usage and Growth Rate (2020 - 2023)

Year Usage (%) Percentage Change (%)
2020 35.4% 2.7%
2021 39.5% 4.1%
2022 43.2% 3.7%
2023 43.5% 0.3%
  • Webinars, when priced between $20-$50, have a 35% higher attendance rate.1
  • Over 60% of successful digital product sellers have adopted a tiered pricing strategy.5
  • 55% of online creators find affiliate marketing a valuable supplement to their primary digital product income.5
  • Courses combining video and text content have a 40% higher completion rate.7
  • 70% of creators who adhered strictly to disclosure requirements faced fewer customer complaints and disputes.7

The path to success in selling digital products is paved with strategic decisions and ethical considerations. From crafting captivating eBooks, courses, and webinars to navigating the complexities of pricing and subscription models, it’s a journey worth embarking on.Β 

Understanding the legalities and disclosure requirements ensures a transparent and trustworthy approach. As we move forward, our exploration continues with a look at the essential tools WordPress offers – ad management, ecommerce, affiliate link management, and membership plugins. These tools will empower your digital endeavors and help you shape a thriving online presence.

WordPress Monetization Plugins And Tools Statistics

So, your WordPress site is up and running. But if you’re serious about growing your online business or blog, it’s time to outfit your website with the right plugins and tools. From hassle-free ad management to running your very own online store, there are specialized plugins to help you every step of the way.Β 

This section will discuss essential WordPress plugins like WooCommerce for ecommerce, tools for managing your affiliate links, and even plugins to help you start a membership site. Let’s make your website work smarter, not harder.

  • Over 55% of WordPress sites use at least one ecommerce plugin.9
  • WooCommerce powers approximately 28% of all online stores.8
  • Easy Digital Downloads has facilitated over 2.5 million digital sales in the past year.9
  • Ad management plugins have seen a 30% download growth in the past two years.6
  • 45% of bloggers use affiliate link management plugins to streamline their earnings.7
  • Membership plugins have experienced a 20% increase in installations, showing a growing interest in exclusive content.9
  • 7 of 10 WordPress websites use at least one plugin to enhance their functionality.6
  • The average WordPress site has 10-15 plugins installed.6
  • WooCommerce extensions have been downloaded over 60 million times.8
  • Easy Digital Downloads has a user satisfaction rate of 92%.7
  • Over 70% of bloggers claim that ad management plugins have increased monthly ad revenue.6
  • Affiliate link management plugins help bloggers improve their click-through rate by an average of 18%.7
  • Membership websites built on WordPress have seen a 25% growth in subscriber retention using quality membership plugins.8
  • Approximately 40% of WooCommerce users also employ ad management plugins.8
  • 1 in 3 affiliate marketers report better organization and tracking using affiliate link management plugins.6
The Most Used WordPress Themes Across The Top 1 Million Sites
  • Membership plugins have an average update frequency of once every two months, indicating active development and maintenance.7
  • WooCommerce remains the most popular choice, with over 5 million active installations.8
  • Advanced users usually have a combination of 3 or more tools and plugins to optimize their WordPress ecommerce operations.9
  • Over 50% of users who employ membership plugins offer tiered membership levels.7
  • Ad management plugins are updated, on average, five times a year, reflecting the fast-changing nature of the ad industry.7

The right plugins and tools are pivotal for a thriving WordPress site. Ad management, ecommerce via WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, affiliate link management, and membership tools form the core of a profitable website.Β 

They enable efficient ad management, product sales, affiliate link handling, and member experiences, unlocking revenue potential. Next, we look at SEO’s vital role in WordPress monetization, covering best practices, analytics, tracking, and ROI strategies to elevate your digital success.

WordPress Monetization SEO, Analytics, And Reporting Statistics

Turning your WordPress website into a money-making machine isn’t just about adding a few ads and hoping for the best. It’s a fine-tuned process where SEO is critical in driving traffic that can ultimately be monetized.Β 

By employing the right SEO tactics and analyzing your performance through specialized analytics, you’re boosting your visibility and setting the stage for increased revenue.Β 

This section will guide you through SEO best practices, WordPress-specific monetization strategies, essential analytics, and tools that will help you measure and optimize your returns.

  • WooCommerce powers over 39% of online stores, establishing its indispensable role in monetizing WordPress websites.8
  • In 2023, WordPress commanded a presence on over 49% of all websites globally, underscoring its significance in effective SEO implementation.8
  • Web pages loading within two seconds maintain an average bounce rate of just 9%, whereas those taking five seconds to load experience a considerably higher bounce rate of 38%.10
  • A substantial 53% of website traffic is generated through organic search, highlighting its pivotal role in web visibility.10
  • Websites incorporating a blog feature tend to boast 434% more indexed pages, a critical factor for enhancing SEO.10
  • Companies that publish blog content more than 16 times per month witness a 3.5-fold increase in traffic compared to those blogging 0-4 times monthly.1
  • On desktops, conversion rates are typically ten times higher from search results than on social media.9
  • Mobile-friendly websites gain a 50% advantage in Google rankings compared to their non-mobile-friendly counterparts.10

WooCommerce and WordPress dominate the web. Speed impacts user retention, with even minor delays increasing bounce rates significantly. Organic search, bolstered by regular blogging, drives significant traffic, while frequent content updates enhance visits.Β 

Desktop searches offer high conversions, but mobilefriendliness is paramount for top Google rankings. This platform, content, and design synergy demands close collaboration between marketers and designers.

  • Approximately 61% of marketers identify improving SEO and expanding their organic online presence as their foremost inbound marketing priority.10
  • Websites employing HTTPS instead of HTTP tend to achieve higher search engine rankings, with over 50% of first-page Google results adopting HTTPS.9
  • Refreshing and republishing old blog posts with updated content and imagery can lead to an impressive 106% boost in organic traffic.10
  • Nearly 62% of all search queries consist of four words or more, underscoring the significance of long-tail keywords in SEO strategy.10
  • Google Analytics is the tool of choice for over 56% of all websites, establishing its dominance in the WordPress ecosystem.10
  • A striking 88% of online consumers are unlikely to revisit a site following a negative user experience, emphasizing the crucial role of site performance analytics.9
  • Affiliate marketing contributes 15% of all digital media revenue, with WordPress as a prominent platform for affiliate bloggers.8
The Top Plugins Used By Websites
  • Yoast SEO, boasting over 5 million active installations by 2022, is the preeminent SEO plugin for WordPress users.8
  • Over 3 million websites utilize Google Search Console to optimize their visibility in search results.10
  • Businesses achieve an impressive $2 in revenue for every $1 invested in Google Ads, underscoring the considerable return on investment attainable through the fusion of paid and organic search strategies within the framework of a WordPress platform.1
  • Companies prioritizing their blogging efforts are 13 times more likely to achieve a positive return on investment.10
  • SEO leads exhibit a 14.6% close rate, significantly surpassing the 1.7% close rate of outbound leads, such as cold calls or direct mail, underscoring the lucrative potential of SEO for WordPress-based websites.9

SEO and WordPress monetization, when integrated, can significantly boost online revenues. By adhering to best practices and regularly tracking earnings, businesses can fine-tune their strategies for maximum returns.Β 

Leveraging the right tools and analytics paves the way for optimal decision-making in today’s online-centric world. As we transition to explore what lies ahead, let’s discuss the future of WordPress monetization.

Statistics On The Future Of WordPress Monetization

WordPress has long been the go-to platform for bloggers, small business owners, and anyone looking to build an online presence. But the days of relying on ad revenue and affiliate marketing are changing fast.Β 

The promising future of WordPress monetization shows a new set of innovative strategies that are making it easier than ever to turn your website into a robust income stream.Β 

This section will show you how to make the most of what WordPress will offer for generations to come and for financial success in today’s competitive online world, from subscription models to blockchain-based features.

  • By 2025, 35% of WordPress websites will integrate subscription-based revenue models.12
  • Over 40% of all WordPress users will utilize micro-transaction platforms by 2026.13
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) for WordPress sites will see a 20% increase by 2024 due to advanced monetization methods.12
  • Ecommerce integrations in WordPress will grow by 60% by the end of 2025, reflecting a shift towards online sales.12
  • Direct content sales on WordPress, like e-books and digital courses, will rise by 50% by 2025.13
  • 70% of top-performing WordPress sites will use at least three monetization methods by 2027.13
  • By 2025, WordPress sites utilizing paywalls will have, on average, a 15% higher revenue than those relying solely on advertising.12
  • Sponsored content on WordPress platforms will grow by 25% by the end of 2024.12

WordPress sites are moving from ads to subscriptions and small transactions. With new ways to make money, user revenue is rising, leading to more significant ecommerce gains.Β 

The popularity of digital content like e-books is growing. Top sites will mix monetization strategies, including paywalls and sponsored content, benefiting marketers and designers.

  • Blockchain and cryptocurrency integrations for monetization on WordPress are expected to see a 40% adoption rate by 2026.13
  • By 2026, 30% of WordPress site owners will have experimented with virtual or augmented reality as a monetization strategy.13
  • Adopting AI-driven ad placements on WordPress sites will lead to a 20% increase in ad revenue by 2027.13
  • Over 45% of WordPress users will adopt mobile-first monetization strategies by 2025 due to increasing mobile traffic.12
  • By 2024, 1 in 4 WordPress sites will offer premium member areas as a primary monetization strategy.12
  • Integration of interactive and live content on WordPress will drive up viewer engagement rates by 30% by 2025.12
  • Personalized content recommendations, powered by AI, will boost sales and donations on WordPress sites by an average of 25% by 2026.13
  • Voice-search optimization for products and services will become a monetization booster, with 35% of WordPress ecommerce sites incorporating it by 2025.12
  • Affiliate marketing on WordPress will evolve, with 60% of affiliates shifting towards promoting digital products and services by 2024.12
  • WordPress sites offering interactive webinars and live consultations will see a 40% increase in revenue by 2026.13
  • Donation-based monetization, especially on personal blogs and content-driven sites, will experience a 15% growth by 2025.12
  • By 2025, integrated payment gateways on WordPress will expand to support over 100 different currencies, fueling global monetization efforts.12

The future of WordPress monetization hints at a dynamic shift from traditional avenues to inventive strategies. As WordPress sites lean towards subscriptions, micro-transactions, and varied content sales, the potential for revenue growth becomes palpable.Β 

These evolving trends offer creators an expanded toolkit for profitability. Embracing these changes today means staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of online content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any restrictions on monetization by WordPress?

If you’re on WordPress.com, there are certain restrictions, especially on their free plan. You’d typically need to upgrade to a premium or business plan to access more monetization features. Self-hosted WordPress.org sites don’t have these restrictions.

How can I monetize my WordPress website?

There are multiple ways, including:

  • Display ads (e.g., Google AdSense)
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling digital products or services
  • Sponsored posts
  • Donations or crowdfunding
  • Membership subscriptions
  • Ecommerce integrations
Is there a risk of my site slowing down with ads?

Yes, adding too many ads or using poorly optimized ad networks can slow down your site. It’s important to keep user experience in mind and regularly test your site’s speed.

How can I ensure my monetization methods are not intrusive to my readers?

Prioritize user experience. Avoid excessive pop-ups, make ads relevant to your audience, and ensure sponsored content is transparent and adds value.

Is it okay to use multiple monetization methods at once?

Yes, diversifying income streams can be beneficial. However, it’s crucial to ensure they complement one another and don’t disrupt the user experience.

Final Word

In wrapping up, monetizing your WordPress site is more than just adding advertisementsβ€”it’s strategically tapping into a revenue stream in today’s tech-forward world.Β 

Integrating tailored monetization techniques enhances your platform’s value and establishes a sustainable income. The possibilities are vast, and your site can become a rewarding venture with the right approach.


All your affiliate data in one dashboard and your marketing tools?  πŸš€ πŸ”

Grow your affiliate income?

Start tracking your affiliate conversions in your marketing tools like Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads to fully optimise your content and campaigns.

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