100 Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Statistics: Insights & Ad Trends

The biggest challenge that digital marketing is facing is the fast-paced trend that is quickly changing at a remarkable speed leaving all players behind.Β In PPC, as the name suggests, the advertiser pays for every click on their ad.

Informed users of PPC understand that it’s more than just bringing clicks and costs upβ€”a powerful weapon that if strategically applied can soar your business to the next level.Β 

In this article, we start digging into the amazing scenery that is PPC in 2024. A wide range of discovery tips, most interesting statistics, and suggested strategies are going to be provided by us to give you tools to govern and dominate in the world of PPC.


Table of Contents

Global Pay-Per-Click Statistics

In a world where every click could mean a new customer or another missed opportunity, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is the backbone of online marketing strategies. 

From small start-ups trying to make a mark to corporate giants defending their turf, PPC spending is an index of the digital battleground with global ramifications. 

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on global PPC statistics, where we’ll unravel the latest trends in total PPC spending worldwide and delve into the intricacies of average global cost-per-click.

  • Advertisers are projected to spend $190.5 billion on search advertising globally in 2024.1
  • The average global cost-per-click (CPC) in 2023 stood at $2.30.2
  • The U.S. accounted for 35% of the global PPC spend.2
  • Mobile PPC ads had a 20% higher CPC than desktop ads in 2023.2
  • The retail industry’s PPC spending grew by 15% in 2023.1
  • B2B sectors experienced a 7% increase in CPC year-over-year.2
  • The conversion rate for PPC ads worldwide was 3.2%.2
  • The travel industry saw a 10% drop in CPC post-pandemic recovery.1

In 2023, the global stage witnessed a monumental shift in marketing dynamics. 
With staggering investments in PPC ads worldwide, brands silently redefined engagement, revealing a landscape with cost-effective possibilities. 
Amid this evolution, the retail sector smartly embraced change, marking a 15% surge in PPC spending. Simultaneously, B2B industries adapted, with a quiet 7% CPC increase year-over-year. 
Amidst it all, the travel industry showcased resilience by slashing CPC by 10% post-pandemic, whispering tales of revival and renewal.
  • Video PPC ads constitute 18% of total PPC spending.1
  • EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) regions experienced the highest growth with PPC spending at 22%.3
  • Latin America’s average CPC was the lowest globally at $1.50.3
  • The finance industry reported the highest CPC at $5.80 on average.2
  • Display ads had a lower CPC ($1.90) than search ads ($2.60).1
  • Remarketing PPC ads saw a conversion boost of 25%.2
  • Voice search-related PPC constituted 5% of the total ad spend.3
  • The average ad position 1 CPC was 30% higher than position 2.3
  • Ad extensions improved click-through rates by 15%.1
  • Mobile devices accounted for 65% of all PPC clicks.1
The Average Monthly Advertising Budget

Pay-Per-Click Statistics On Various Platforms

  • The healthcare industry witnessed a 10% increase in PPC spending.3
  • Machine learning-optimized campaigns improved return on investment (ROI) by 20%.2
  • The average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) for global PPC campaigns was $80.2
  • The Asia-Pacific region experienced a surge in video ad CPC by 12%.2
  • 40% of clicks on PPC ads were driven by AI-generated content.3
  • Localized PPC campaigns had a 30% better performance rate.1
  • Advertisers spent 15% more on PPC campaigns during the holiday seasons.3
In digital advertising, Google Ads dominates with its vast market share and potent metrics, illustrating its prominent role in PPC.Β 
However, Bing Ads offers unique value with its specific audience and metrics, emphasizing the importance of platform diversity.Β 
With massive audiences and distinct metrics, social media PPC platforms like Facebook and Instagram reinforce the need to grasp varied audience behaviors.Β 
To truly thrive in the multifaceted global PPC arena, businesses must comprehend the nuances of each platform.

Have you ever wondered why some digital advertising campaigns seem to strike gold while others barely make a dent? Is Google Ads the undisputed king of pay-per-click, or does Bing Ads offer a hidden oasis of untapped potential?Β 

And let’s not even get started on social media PPC, where each platformβ€”from Facebook and Instagram to LinkedIn and Twitterβ€”offers its vast opportunities and challenges.Β 

Understanding the nuances of various advertising platforms is more than just helpfulβ€”it’s essential for maximizing ROI.Β 

We’ve crunched the numbers into market trends and developed a comprehensive guide that lays out the facts on market share, average cost-per-click (CPC), conversion rates, and much more for each dynamic platform.

  • Google Ads accounts for approximately 70% of the search ad market.4
  • The average CPC on Google Ads is around $2.50.5
  • On average, advertisers see a conversion rate of 3.5% on the Google Ads platform.6
  • About 60% of Google Ads clicks come from mobile devices.4
  • Ads that appear on the first page of Google receive 92% of all click-through rates (CTR).5
  • Bing Ads captures about 6% of the search ad market.5
  • Bing’s average CPC is approximately $1.50.3
  • Bing Ads has an average conversion rate of around 2.8%.4
Search advertising is a dominant position held by Google Ads, which has a significant market share.Β 

The platform’s mobile-centricity is evident, as a substantial 60% of clicks originate from mobile devices, making it crucial for advertisers to optimize for smaller screens.Β 

While Bing Ads holds a modest 6% of the market, its lower average CPC and slightly reduced conversion rate make it an intriguing alternative or supplement to a comprehensive ad strategy.

  • About 40% of Bing users are 35 years or older.4
  • Bing processes over 12 billion monthly searches globally.6
  • Facebook Ads has a potential reach of about 2.8 billion monthly active users.6
  • The average CPC on Facebook is around $1.40.6
  • The average CTR on Facebook Ads is 0.9%.4
  • Conversion rates average at about 9.2% for Facebook Ads.4
  • Ad impressions on Facebook increased by 20% year-over-year.4
  • Instagram boasts a potential advertising reach of 1.2 billion users.5
  • Instagram’s average CPC is approximately $1.80.5
  • The platform’s average CTR is about 0.6%.4
The Average CPC On Bing Across Different Industries
  • Sponsored posts on Instagram have an engagement rate of 1.6%.6
  • LinkedIn has a potential advertising reach of 310 million users.4
  • The average CPC on LinkedIn is around $5.00.5
  • LinkedIn’s average CTR is approximately 0.4%.4
  • About 65% of B2B companies have acquired a customer through LinkedIn.5
  • Twitter offers an advertising audience of 330 million monthly active users.4
  • The average CPC for Twitter Ads is $0.80, with a CTR of around 0.9%.4

The world of pay-per-click advertising showcases an enlightening narrative of platform dynamics. With its imposing market share and efficiency metrics, Google Ads underscores the search-ad industry’s might. 
On the other hand, Bing Ads, though less dominant, presents unique opportunities for strategic diversification. 
Meanwhile, like Facebook and Instagram illustrate the evolving nuances of audience targeting and engagement. 

As we venture further, understanding the industry-specific metrics becomes paramount. 

From dissecting Average CPC, CTR, and conversion rates across industries to unmasking the competitive edge of PPC in specific sectors, we’ll explore the pivotal role of ad positioning. 

Why is land among the top three ad positions crucial, and how does it bolster the CTR? 

With actionable tactics to enhance CTR and insights into conversion rate influencers, this journey will also spotlight the undeniable impact of ad extensions.

Pay-Per-Click Analytical Insights & Statistics

With PPC advertising, every click and impression matters immensely. Grasping CPC, CTR, and conversion rates is pivotal to your ad success.Β 

Are you curious about what defines a “good” click-through rate or the significance of the top 3 Google ad positions?Β 

This section covers vital PPC metrics, and industry benchmarks, and shares strategies to boost your CTR and conversion rates.Β 

With insights on the power of ad extensions and other factors affecting conversions, consider this a concise guide to mastering PPC to equip your campaigns for success.

  • The average CPC across all industries was roughly $4.22 in 2023.6
  • Industries with the highest CPC include legal ($6.75), insurance ($6.31), and finance ($3.77).6
  • E-commerce boasted an average CTR of 2.69% by the end of 2022.7
  • The travel and hospitality sector saw average CTRs of 4.68% in 2021.7
  • The average conversion rate across all industries hovered around 3.75%.7
  • The real estate sector reported a slightly lower conversion rate, at around 2.47%.7
  • Ad position has been shown to significantly affect CTR. Historically, ads in the first position have a CTR of 7.94%, while those in the second and third positions hover around 5.57% and 2.83%, respectively.7
  • Industries like legal, insurance, and medical fields remain among the most competitive for PPC, showing conversion rates of up to 30%.7
In 2023, the legal and insurance sectors dominated cost-per-click, while e-commerce and travel highlighted distinct click-through patterns.Β 
Conversion rates revealed varied consumer actions, with real estate being more cautious. The emphasis on ad positioning significantly impacted engagement, especially in competitive PPC sectors like medicine. These metrics guide marketers and designers in fine-tuning strategies.
  • For retail ecommerce, conversion rates tend to fluctuate seasonally, with averages ranging between 2% and 4%.7
  • Using ad extensions can increase CTR by up to 15%.7
  • 85% of clicks from searches for buying keywords go to the ads in the top 3 positions.7
  • The top 3 ad positions on Google garner 46% of the clicks on the page.7
  • Utilizing negative keywords can increase CTR by eliminating irrelevant clicks by 15%.7
  • An effectively streamlined landing page can enhance conversion rates by as much as 50%.7
  • High-converting ad texts reflect the landing page message and can lift CTR by 10-15%.7
  • Call extensions in ads have been shown to increase CTR by 10-15%.7
  • The average conversion rate for mobile-optimized landing pages is 3.48%.7
  • Ads that appear on the top of the page get, on average, 14% higher CTR than those on the right side or bottom.7
The Platforms Where Users Are Most Likely To Click On A Paid Ad
  • B2B industries have a slightly lower average CTR at around 2.41%.7
  • A clear call-to-action in PPC ads can boost CTR by 2.8%.7
  • Local search ads with a phone number have a 6% higher CTR than those without.7
  • The healthcare industry sees an average CTR of 3.27% and a conversion rate of 3.36%.7
  • Using review extensions in ads can increase CTR by up to 10%.7
  • Displaying ad prices tends to deter irrelevant clicks, increasing CTR and conversion rates by 25%.7
  • Ads with site link extensions experience a CTR lift of up to 20%.7


In PPC, understanding cost-per-click, click-through, and conversion rates is essential for return on investment. Top ad positions and ad extensions are crucial to success.Β 

Yet, as we spotlight these metrics, we face challenges like Ad Fraud and Click Fraud.Β 

Our next section dives into fraudulent clicks, showcasing alarming statistics and the measures platforms take. It’s more than just profitability; it’s about preserving digital advertising’s integrity.

Ad & Pay-Per-Click Fraud Statistics

In digital advertising, not all clicks are genuine. Deceptive bots mimic real users, and digital campaigns often target illusions.Β 

Learn about Ad Fraud and Click Fraud, where billions are at risk in an ever-changing battleground, and reveal statistics on fraudulent clicks and platforms’ steps to combat these digital threats.

  • Global ad fraud losses were estimated to reach $100 billion in 2023.4
  • Over 65% of digital marketing professionals confirmed their intentions to increase their budgets for ad fraud prevention tools by 2023.4
  • 29% of marketers in 2023 believed that combating ad fraud should be the primary focus of the digital advertising industry.7
  • It’s projected that by 2025, ad fraud could cost the digital advertising industry $500 billion.4
  • Approximately 1 in 5 ad clicks were identified as fraudulent in 2020.3
  • Display ads experience higher fraud rates, with an estimated 20% of all fraudulent clicks.7
  • Video ads saw a rise in fraud rates by 19% in 2022.7
  • Mobile ad fraud rates surged by 16% between 2019 and 2022.7


In 2023, the global market took a huge hit, with $100 billion lost to ad fraud. The digital marketing crowd noticed, too – over 65% are planning to up their budget on fraud prevention tools.Β 

Moreover, nearly a third of all marketers felt that fighting ad fraud should be top of the list for the whole industry. And if we don’t take this seriously?Β 

By 2025, we could see a whopping $500 billion loss. Just think about it – fraud is everywhere, from display and video ads to mobile. It’s a story that tells us we must act now for our digital future.

  • About 56% of all web traffic, including legitimate and malicious bots, is automated.3
  • Sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) represented over 22% of total digital ad fraud by the end of 2022.3
  • Pay-per-click fraud costs businesses an estimated $0.20 for every fraudulent click.4
  • The U.S. had the highest number of ad fraud occurrences, followed by Japan and the Netherlands in 2022.7
  • Approximately 17% of mobile app installs in 2022 were flagged as fraudulent.7
  • Advertisers who used fraud prevention tools saw an average decrease in fraudulent clicks by 25%.7
  • Google identified and blocked over 4 billion fraudulent ads in 2022.4
  • Social platforms, such as Facebook, disabled 2 billion fake accounts suspected of ad fraud in the second half of 2022.4
  • Programmatic ads saw a fraudulent click rate of approximately 19% in 2022.3
  • 37% of advertisers considered ad fraud the most challenging barrier to effective online advertising.3
  • 23% of e-commerce ad clicks on major platforms turned out to be fraudulent in 2022.7
  • Machine learning anti-fraud measures reduced suspicious activity by an estimated 23% on significant ad platforms.7
  • Mobile ad fraud in Android devices was 17% higher than in iOS devices in 2022.7
  • The in-app ad fraud rate was 13% higher than mobile web fraud in 2022.7
  • Ad fraud detection tools witnessed a growth in adoption by 36% between 2019 and 2023.7
  • The retargeting ad strategy experienced a fraud rate of 21% in 2020.7
  • Businesses that employ multi-point detection strategies reduced their exposure to ad fraud by 27%.7


Ad and click fraud undeniably etched a significant mark on digital advertising. The numbers surrounding fraudulent clicks serve as a wake-up call for brands and marketers, emphasizing platforms’ need for robust countermeasures.Β 

What does the future hold for PPC advertising, given these challenges? Are we on the brink of revolutionary changes?Β 

Join us in the next section as we explore upcoming trends and forecast what the next 5-10 years might mean for this dynamic industry.

The Future Of Pay-Per-Click Ads & AI Statistics

PPC advertising constantly adapts, guiding businesses to the forefront. We’ve quickly moved from basic banner ads to AI-driven campaigns. 

So, what’s next for PPC in the upcoming decade? We’ll explore the future trends set to reshape online ads.

  • By 2030, global PPC ad spending is projected to exceed $150 billion.8
  • AI-driven PPC campaigns will represent 85% of all ads by 2028.9
  • Voice search PPC ads will account for 40% of total search ad spend by 2029.8
  • By 2027, 60% of all PPC ads will be delivered via augmented and virtual reality interfaces.10
  • Visual search PPC campaigns will see a 70% increase in adoption by 2030.8
  • Localized PPC ad campaigns will witness a 50% boost in engagement by 2026.10
  • PPC automation tools will reduce manual campaign management tasks by 80% by 2029.8
  • By 2028, video PPC ads will dominate display ad spending, capturing 65% of the market share.9


Over the next decade, PPC advertising will surge past $150 billion. With the rise of AI, the focus will shift towards voice search, augmented reality, and visual campaigns. 

As automation becomes central, manual campaign tasks will decrease, and by 2028, video PPC ads will dominate the market. This progression presents a pivotal era of innovation for marketers and designers.

  • Cross-device PPC campaigns will see a 90% optimization rate by 2027.10
  • Dynamic content adaptation in PPC ads will result in a 30% higher conversion rate by 2026.10
  • Predictive analytics will power 75% of PPC ad strategies by 2030.8
  • 50% of brands will use AI chatbots in tandem with PPC campaigns for immediate customer engagement by 2029.8
  • By 2027, brands leveraging blockchain for PPC ad verification will see a 40% decrease in ad fraud.10
  • Augmented reality PPC ads will command 55% higher engagement rates by 2028.9
  • 70% of advertisers will use sentiment analysis to refine PPC campaigns by 2030.8
  • Visual commerce, powered by PPC, will account for 35% of e-commerce sales by 2029.8
  • By 2026, 3D ad formats in PPC will see a 200% increase in engagement compared to traditional structures.10
  • Programmatic PPC buying will represent 90% of all PPC ad buys by 2030.8
  • By 2028, 60% of PPC ad campaigns will be optimized for wearables like smartwatches.9
  • Interactive PPC ads will capture 50% more user attention by 2027 than static ads.10
  • Omnichannel PPC strategies will result in a 45% higher retention rate by 2026.10
  • By 2029, native PPC ads will constitute 70% of all mobile ad spend.8
  • Geo-fenced PPC campaigns will drive a 40% increase in in-store visits by 2030.8
  • Integrating biometric data in PPC ad targeting is expected to see a 150% growth in adoption by 2028.9
  • By 2027, brands that leverage real-time data in PPC campaigns will experience a 35% boost in ROI.10


Looking ahead, pay-per-click advertising isn’t just about fancy tech upgrades. It’s about understanding people better, using the right tools, and making real connections online. 

As we peek into what’s coming, it’s clear that those ready to learn and adapt will do well. The future has its ups and downs, but if we’re keen, our ads won’t just get seenβ€”they’ll genuinely matter to folks out there. 

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Sirio KΓΌpper

Co-founder @ wecantrack

Source: wecantrack

Final Thoughts

Learning about PPC can feel like learning a new language at times. But as we’ve unraveled the pay-per-click threads in this piece, it’s more of a friendly chat with potential customers than a shouting match.Β 

Ultimately, PPC isn’t just about clicks; it’s about conversations. Conversations that lead to conversions.Β 

So, whether you’re just starting or have been in the game for a while, remember to listen, adjust, and converse. After all, in the bustling online marketplace, sometimes a simple ‘hello’ can make all the difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does PPC work?

Advertisers bid for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links. When someone searches for a keyword related to their business offering, the ad might appear in the search results. The advertiser pays a fee each time the ad is clicked, sending a visitor to the website.

How do I decide my budget for PPC?

Start with a test budget. Monitor the ROI and adjust based on what you observe. Your budget will depend on your industry, the keywords you’re targeting, and your overall digital marketing strategy.

How can I improve my PPC campaign's performance?

Focus on relevance (tight keyword groups, relevant ad text), landing page quality, and continuous optimization (A/B testing, keyword adjustments).

Is PPC suitable for every kind of business?

While PPC can benefit almost every business, its effectiveness can vary based on the industry, target audience, and offered products or services.

What is the difference between PPC and SEO?

While both are search marketing tactics, PPC is a paid method where you buy traffic through ad placement, whereas SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an organic method where you earn traffic by optimizing your website to rank higher in search results.


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Grow your affiliate income?

Start tracking your affiliate conversions in your marketing tools like Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads to fully optimise your content and campaigns.

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