PopAds Integration Guide

After you have created your wecantrack account, connected your affiliate networks and websites our system will be able to track your traffic data and attribute your conversion data to it. Because of that we will be able to integrate your affiliate conversions in PopAds via Postback URL.

Please note that the integration only works for conversions coming in within 48 hours after the click happened, since PopAds does not store the ImpressionIDs longer than 48 hours on their end.


PopAds Integration step by step guide

  • Create a PopAds campaign
  • Make sure to add paclid=[IMPRESSIONID] as a URL parameter in the campaign’s URL

Here is an example URL:

  • After creating your campaign click on the campaign
  • Click on ‘Pixels and Postbacks’ on the right underneath ‘Conversions’
  • Here you will find a Postback URL
  • Please copy the ID within the AID parameter (…&aid=aa111a11aa1aa11aaaa11aaaaa111111&id=…)
  • Place that AID value within the form of the connected website in the wecantrack interface.
  • Go to Features and activate the ‘PopAds Integration’ feature.

PopAds Integration Video Guide

That’s it!

From now on your affiliate conversions coming from PopAds campaigns will automatically be integrated in PopAds.