API Requirements & Overview

Find out about our API requirements, throttle and which API endpoints we have available. 


An API key is required for each call. You can find your API key here. The API key can be sent in the query string: /endpoint?api_key=abcdef12345 or through the header X-API-Key: abcdef12345


In the response header you can find x-ratelimit-limit which tells you how many request per minute is allowed and x-ratelimit-remaining which tells you how many request you have left. Each API endpoint will have different rate limits depending on how expensive it is. If you surpassed these limits you will receive a 429 status code “Too Many Request”. In the response header you can use x-ratelimit-reset which contains a UNIX timestamp to know when you’re allowed to make API requests again.

API Activation

  • Within wecantrack, go to Features
  • Enable ‘Reporting API & Webhook’

API Endpoints








